Congratulations. If you are reading this, you are probably already on the path towards discovering the full potential of the first opportunity – the fantastic scope that exists in being able to pursue a marketing career in one of the most dynamic categories of any global business – the hotel and ‘away from home’ experience sector.
We read everywhere about the changing landscapes brought about by the rise of technology and the empowerment of visitors and guests through channels that are substantially different to those considered the norm only 5 years ago.
Hotel marketing is a phenomenally fast-changing and dynamic category right now. Like the rest of the world, it is transitioning and developing in many ways, but the challenges of technology bring both problems to be solved and also massive opportunities to be exploited. Only the best and brightest will move further along the success pathway at this junction. Are you going to go in the right direction?
Growing up in a tech savvy and IoT age gives young marketers a head start to rise to these new challenges, to pick up on trends using quantifiable data more easily, and to understand positive experiential recall than ever before, because, during their own lifetime, it is what they have grown to expect. The service sector places great demands upon those who work in it and even greater demands on those whose function it is to grow it. Have you got what it takes?
The use of travel – and hence the hospitality sector, too – is also changing, meaning that new markets grow from old ones like mushrooms on a wet lawn. Bleisure, for example – the blending of business trips with pleasure add-ons – is waiting to be tapped and grown. Are you ready for these challenges?
The second opportunity is about marketing opportunities that haven’t existed before, and are now put into play through a dizzying succession of powerful and motivating toolsets that mean that marketing functions have to be integrated into every experience that a visitor could have, to leave a lasting and highly positive impression.
This is where the real change is and where the ‘old’ marketeers and the new ones have to part ways. Marketing was about attracting guests to stay. Check in, pay the bill, check out, job done. Meanwhile, ‘back office’ was about functional ability and routine administration; but a new confluence means that now, the two are meeting through systems and interfaces that help optimise the overall guest experience. This gives marketeers far more leverage in hotel management than ever before.
This shift will involve interconnected devices in the hospitality sector. IoT technology is already impacting both consumer interactions and back-of-house operations with a predicted 20.8 Billion connected ‘things’ by 2020. This means real-time feedback on room facilities, keyless access, and guest control over some of the hitherto inaccessible workings of the hotel. Now, guests are not just coming to sleep for a couple of nights – they are forming and changing the fabric of how the hotel works, informing its future direction and providing hard evidence about what improves the product and experience and what doesn’t. For a marketer, this is an exciting place to be. Why not be the first to create a room from 4K video walls and let your guests choose which world views they would like to enjoy? Just because you can!
Whether your view of successful marketing involves VR, AI, stunning video content, chatbots, block chain-based loyalty models, or more reliance on mobile-first indexing, your experience in finding out will grow a rich new seam of outstanding marketeers for the hotel industry, built upon a platform of cutting edge, tech-wise knowledge that you can make a massive contribution to.
LAW Creative is the primary sponsor for the HMA’s Young Marketer of the Year Award 2019.
By registering and entering for the Awards, you demonstrate a commitment to the furtherance of not just your career but also the ability of the sector to be at the forefront of marketing practices and techniques that are fully engaging through multiple channels, often first optimised for use in this sector, driven by a huge infrastructure of advisory and ratings sites, new data processing techniques and future technologies that put the customers at the centre of the experience and always leave them delighted and willing to come back for more.
Armed with this ability, your future as a marketer is assured in any industry, anywhere.
Go to and enter as soon as you can. We all need your talent, commitment and skill.
But first, we need to know you.
And that’s what these awards are all about.
At LAW Creative, we have developed unique digital sales tools and inspired strategic and creative solutions for our clients.
We are multi-award-winning business drivers for the hospitality and automotive sectors and can prove it through outstanding ROI results for our clients.
If you want to talk about any aspect of hotel marketing that you find of special appeal, or need some advice about, just drop an email to
Let’s all be winners together.
Sources: HMA, Hotel Speak, Net Affinity, Skift, LAW Creative Global Intelligent Data, all 2018