TRW Aftermarket Website

We created a new online presence from the ground up, building in a series of features that won TRW Aftermarket new audiences, increased sales and a coveted award.
The Opportunity
TRW Aftermarket, one of the largest automotive part suppliers in the global aftermarket, is a brand that offers an outstanding level of technical expertise and product quality. It wanted to increase sales by communicating this through a complete transformation of its digital platforms that would increase its customer base, encourage greater usage by customers old and new, and present TRW Aftermarket as the forward-thinking, technically expert business that it is.
The Solution
We transformed the entire TRW website, using UX testing and user profiling to inform the design of a new portal that was fully optimised for mobile, and easier to navigate, with smarter functionality, modern design and a completely new portfolio of photography. We created 40,000 words of new content in fifteen languages to engage customers across Europe. The site was optimised for SEO in every possible way, with elements such as the layout and site map optimised as well as locally specific search terms applied in every country.
The Results
In the first 12 months the TRW Aftermarket website generated €5.6M in catalogue sales. Users were up by 12%, total sessions by 44% and organic traffic by 18%. Mobile usage was up by 135%, with organic traffic up by 98% over industry average. Page dwell increased by 52%, proving the quality of the new content. These exceptional figures helped the TRW Automotive Aftermarket website win the European Excellence Award 2016 for best website, beating other big brands such as BMW and Bosch to this coveted prize.