Content. It’s a word you hear a lot lately.
It’s nothing new, of course, as any newspaper journalist, copywriter or film script author will tell you.
What is new is the sheer amount of it needed to satisfy the needs of the social media world. A world where a small Russian child playing with her toys has 21.6 million regular followers, and where a new generation of celebrities and influencers has turned posting videos online into lucrative full-time careers. Google alone contains the aggregated content from more than 20,000 publishers. Wikipedia contains 27 billion words in 40 million articles in 293 languages. That’s a lot of people writing material – on average, a Facebook user generates roughly 400,000 Word documents during their active period, whilst 500,000 new users are added every day to the total user number of roughly 2.5 billion people. The average user clicks on 8 ads a month.
The point is, do they click on your offering and what do they see when they click? Is it compelling, exciting, correctly targeted and likely to lead to a sale? To the 3.5 billion people online at any one time, what makes your pitch stand out?
An engaging personal story of courage – part of the content we have created for Nuffield Health
Without doubt, the rush to create content of any form is beginning to outstrip the human capacity to provide enough of it. It’s like feeding a monster that demands to be fed every second of every day, and finding enough food and enough variety to keep the monster satisfied is getting harder and harder to achieve.

And, of course, if you get it wrong, the monster eats you. You become an irrelevance and the monster will happily feed from anyone or anything else that provides a more varied and interesting diet that is suitable for its needs.
That’s why here at LAW, we think hard before we create. We think Smart. We devise clever strategic frameworks that will build your brand with relevant and unexpected content – but always within the bigger picture of your business objectives. Be as funny as you want, if you miss the point, you miss the sale.

Strong strategic input at the beginning followed by clear, concise messaging that fits with the overall brand objectives, delivered by expert social media people, is what cuts through. It’s why some of the films we make get millions of hits. It’s why we win so many awards. It’s why our clients do great business.
Simply, it’s why we exist and continue to grow.
Could you use some Smart Thinking? Contact or

Header image: Drift driver Joachim Waagaard in our Proven Performers campaign for SACHS