A perfect football campaign for BOGE

As the world is gripped once again by football fever we’ve just launched a campaign in Mexico for BOGE that capitalises on the thrill of the game. But what really makes it a winner is that it also strengthens the brand’s reputation as a shock absorber manufacturer, which, like the world’s greatest players, can deliver perfect control.
Our campaign is perfect for BOGE because it extends the idea of ‘perfect control’ into an interactive competition that challenges customers to show some control of their own. By uploading a short smartphone video of themselves or a friend showing some football skill, BOGE customers can be part of a string of passes that show perfect control (plus they could win a 4K 50” Samsung TV, perfect for watching the big games). The motion graphics film below, which shows customers how to enter, was, like the campaign itself, designed and made here at LAW Creative.
To create an engaging campaign that’s a perfect match for your brand, contact keith.sammels@lawcreative.co.uk.