A recent issue of Marketing Week reported that marketing has slipped down the list of aspirational careers for young people. The article asserted that “lack of interest in the discipline could come from the fact most young people do not know what marketing is… They also link it closely with advertising, which they say is ‘boring’ ”.
I asked around the office and discovered that, happily, we don’t suffer from any lack of appreciation, understanding or enthusiasm for marketing at LAW Creative. “When I was looking to pursue an education and career in marketing,” said Luke Hobbs, who recently joined us as an Account Executive, “the most important thing was enjoyment. Marketing is fun and exciting, every day you work in it. Even if you spend a day doing a remedial task, you know something exciting is round the corner, especially when you’re working in an agency. Things move quickly and there is never a dull moment.”
Our new Account Manager, Francesca Roddy, agreed. “I’ve grown up in a world where marketing messages and advertising campaigns infiltrate our daily lives, almost subliminally. Time and again I used to think to myself what fun it must be for the creative bods that get to dream up these ideas for a living (so I guess you could say I’m living the dream!) I’ve always marvelled at the way branding and marketing resonates with us on both a human and psychological level, and why certain campaigns just stick.”
“From project management to copywriting, digital to design, the opportunities in marketing are innumerable! I’ve always dreamt of a career that would nurture my creative side… and few jobs really allow for both creativity and innovation in the way that marketing does.”
While we have no shortage of motivated marketers in our ranks, we do recognise and support an important point made in the article, which is that it is vital for schools to explain what marketing is and address the issue that there is currently a “lack of awareness” among students who are yet to select their GCSE subjects.
“I wasn’t initially aware of marketing as a career choice and didn’t know what it entailed,” said our Senior Account Manager Sarah Osborne. “This remained the case until I became exposed to it in my first graduate role at a start up – and that’s a shame.”
“Since starting my career, and particularly since joining LAW Creative, I have found marketing to be a varied, exciting and creative industry, in which I am constantly learning, acquiring new skills and developing professionally (and am often the envy of friends when I tell them what I’ve been up to at work!).”
“Marketing remains a fantastic career choice for smart, ambitious and creative people who can put these values to work in such a wide range of roles in the industry. I truly love my job, and wish I’d known more about it at a younger age so that I could have made an informed choice earlier.”
To work with people who are truly motivated by marketing and know how to craft memorable messages for your business, contact
Our title picture shows Senior Account Manager Sarah Osborne, Account Executive Luke Hobbs and Account Manager Francesca Roddy.