Last Friday I joined thousands of fellow agency and digital marketing professionals at Brighton SEO, one of the most highly regarded digital conferences in the UK.
Tickets are free and allocated via a prize draw (the event is always oversubscribed), so it’s worth adding your name to their mailing list if you’d like to stay up-to-speed on SEO. If you weren’t there this year, here are some of the insights from the event.

There was one main recurring theme: Quality content and excellent user experiences.
SEO and Content Marketing are more tightly bound than ever before.
Google needs searchers to find relevant content fast – it needs to deliver quick, easy and fulfilling experiences because the more users it has the more revenue it can make from advertising.
The content that Google values most highly is:
• Authentic
• Trustworthy
• Accurate
• Expert
• Solves problems / answers searchers’ questions

Years ago SEO tended to be more technical (it still is in parts) and search rankings could be somewhat manipulated using techniques such as keyword stuffing. Nowadays, Google’s search algorithms can, like you and me, see past false and flimsy content.
It’s also harder to gain click-throughs from Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) than ever before. In part this is because of the growth of competitor content, but it is also influenced by the fact that Google has increased the amount of SERP features. 34% of desktop searches and 61% of mobile searches now result in 0 clicks because the user has already found the answer to their question by reading the copy within the Google search results.
To maintain your content visibility it is therefore advisable to utilise online advertising as part of your marketing mix. A further consideration, according to Rand Fishkin – CEO & Co-Founder of SEOmoz and a keynote speaker at the event – is that it is now more important than ever to make your website and your email list the centre of your campaign. The aim, says Fishkin, is to, ‘Make it so your brand is searched for more than your keywords.’
At LAW Creative, we specialise in creating engaging content and compelling storytelling to make sure your brand and your content is the centre of online attention.
To work with an agency that can guarantee putting your content in front of your target audience, contact or