Brett Sammels to take the helm at LAW Creative

Brett Sammels to take the helm at LAW Creative. After 20 successful and enjoyable years with LAW Creative Keith Sammels will step away from the agency to pursue other projects. Brett Sammels has driven strategy and digital development at LAW Creative since joining 14 years ago and will become Managing Director from the New Year, whilst Nicola Ellis, one of the founding directors, will continue in an Executive Client Services role for the foreseeable future.
In addition to these changes LAW Creative is proud to announce that it will become part of the Selby Anderson Group of companies. An ambitious integrated marcoms group created to drive client outcomes across the whole customer experience. Says Brett Sammels ‘Through superb customer service, creativity and results, LAW Creative has become a leading European agency for integrated communications. We specialise in servicing blue-chip businesses and brands primarily in the hotel, leisure, automotive and retail sectors. Selby Anderson will help to facilitate our ambitions to remain at the forefront of strategic, digital and production services whilst helping us to exceed our client’s expectations and assisting us with our plans for growth’.
Commenting on the acquisition, Selbey Anderson’s Group Chief Executive Officer, Dom Hawes, says: ‘Welcoming LAW Creative into Selbey Anderson is a game changer for the group because it brings us new capabilities, new colleagues and new clients. In fact, LAW Creative brings 38 new colleagues into the team and their creative output is breath taking. The agency, rightly, has a very good reputation and the LAW Creative brand will be retained. We’re very proud to be working with them and we’re excited to see how Brett’s leadership can positively influence our group.
‘LAW Creative was the fourth acquisition we made in 2020 and Selbey Anderson now numbers over 90 people with an annualised turnover of just under £10m. 2021 is going to be big year too. Covid is placing a drag on the business, but we’re still pushing hard for growth. Businesses that can thrive in this environment need to step on the gas to offer hope to those being made redundant elsewhere.’