Introduction by David Hankinson, Head Of Copy:
Last week, Ella Morete joined us for work experience and it was a pleasure to share our knowledge and experience with someone so talented, switched on and keen to learn. Here’s how Ella described the week…
“Right from the start I found myself enjoying the challenging and diverse work of marketing. During my work experience week I had the fantastic opportunity of sitting in on multiple briefings and completing my own projects, and I have been treated very much as part of the team (or as much as one can be when holding little to no experience or training in this line of work). Everyone has been exceptionally welcoming, accommodating and professional.
One project I particularly enjoyed was writing a script about a racing driver who’s an ambassador for an automotive brand. The brief was to reveal the driver’s early background as a trained mechanic and show him as a down-to-earth and relatable character who would appeal to workshop mechanics and also car fanatics. I enjoyed exploring ways to keep the viewer’s interest with vivid imagery and a steady build-up to tell the story of his early life.
My next task was to present my script in a clear and step-by-step storyboard that captured how I would like my story to be interpreted, making sure that the pictures included are either self explanatory or supported with copy that describes the action of each scene.
I then helped with social media for another automotive client, identifying images that best fitted a series of motor racing quotes and thinking of interesting monthly facts to post online.
I’ve found the scripting element of my work particularly fascinating. Listening to a brief then delivering a piece of writing and a storyline that perfectly captures the client’s requirements and brand image does pose a challenge, but for someone with a passion for creative writing such as myself it’s a welcome one.
Scripting with David Hankinson, Head of Copy, as my mentor for the first day, I found him to be extremely welcoming, helpful and enthusiastic, explaining all details, no matter how seemingly minor, to assure I gained a full understanding of how things worked. His encouragement and patience was much appreciated.
Raof Ahmed, Senior Creative, was kind enough to provide insight into the technicalities of story boarding on my second day, allowing me to progress on my own but offering both support and helpful criticism that gave me an understanding of the client’s point of view.
Dave Washer, Senior Copywriter, allowed me to help on his project and particularly helped me to feel like an asset. His helpful critiques and support have been much appreciated.
Last, but by no means least, a very special thank you to Keith Sammels, Executive Creative Director, who, taking the time to sit down and chat with me out of his I’m sure exceptionally busy schedule, has enabled me to see the reasons why clients choose LAW Creative. His open and honest way of communicating is a ladder for relationships and trust that sets him and therefore the rest of the company apart from the thousands of others. I felt the same enthusiasm and warmth from everyone I have come into contact with at LAW Creative, and it is no surprise that this company draws the best and the brightest with its values on relationships so well in place.”
LAW Creative is a fully integrated, multi-award-winning marketing communications agency. For Smart Thinking, Strategy, Creative, Technology, Data and script to screen Film Making please contact